Diving center in Nosy Be

Vivez l’expérience

Ylang Dive Center is located on the seafront in the heart of the tourist village of Ambatoloaka. You'll open the doors of a diving center, where we offer a wide range of SSI & PADI training courses, for beginners and experienced divers alike! Our training pool at the heart of the center, our fast, comfortable boats, and our inviting lounge with its refined touches, will give you an experience combining comfort and exclusivity that's unique in the world of diving. Madagascar.

Our PADI and SSI instructors will make you discover the bay of Nosy Be and its neighboring archipelagos with intimate groups of 4 divers max' in complete safety. Enjoy, discover and have fun, our diving center takes care of the rest!

An extraordinary diving experience

Our dive center in Nosy Be offers an unparalleled diving experience. More than a simple starting point for exploring the seabed, Ylang Dive Center is a place where passion and hospitality merge to create unforgettable memories through a unique diving experience.

With our team of professionals passionate about diving and its high-end facilities, we promise you a diving experience that is both safe and accessible to all.

Why dive in Nosy Be?

L’île de Nosy Be, located off the northwest coast of Madagascar, is a paradise for diving enthusiasts.


Connue pour ses plages de sable fin et ses eaux cristallines, elle cache sous sa surface un monde sous-marin d’une richesse exceptionnelle. Avec sa biodiversité marine impressionnante, Nosy Be est une destination privilégiée pour les plongeurs en quête d’un cadre naturel préservé.

Our boats : Cananga and Vanille

Cananga, luxury scuba diving boat

Our boat trips in Madagascar offer you an unforgettable experience aboard our twins, each powered by two Suzuki engines of 300cc and measuring 12m long. These exceptional boats are your passport to discover the most exclusive and remote dive sites of Madagascar, leading you to unexplored underwater paradises.


Avec une capacité homologuée pour 22 personnes, incluant l’équipage, nous choisissons délibérément de limiter nos groupes à 12 participants. Cette approche garantit une expérience plus intime et sereine, vous permettant de vous immerger pleinement dans la beauté époustouflante des archipels malgaches, tels que les Mitsio, Nosy Iranja et Radama Nord, lors de vos excursions plongée à Madagascar.

Vanille, luxury scuba diving boat

Designed to maximize your comfort and safety, our boats are equipped with all the necessary amenities to enrich your adventure. You will benefit from two showers, toilets, as well as a range of services included in our excursions: a beach towel by diver, reusable ecocups, water, coffee, tea, and light snacks. Enjoy an exceptional day at sea, under the sign of exploration and comfort, with our boat trips and diving in Madagascar.

Here are some reasons to crack:
Coral garden of the Atnam diving site near Nosy Iranja

Seabed diversity

Nosy Be offers an impressive variety of coral and rock bottoms, with dive sites including drop-offs, plateaus, caves and arches. This diversity makes every dive unique and exciting.

Exceptional marine encounters

La région est reconnue pour la richesse de sa faune sous-marine. Les plongeurs peuvent y observer une abondance d’espèces, des plus petites comme les nudibranches et poissons-feuilles, aux plus imposantes comme les requins baleines et baleines à bosse.

Tanikely diving site, Madagascar

Renowned diving sites

Among the most famous sites, the marine reserve of Nosy Tanikely is distinguished by its extremely rich fauna and magnificent corals, visible from 5 meters deep. Shark point is the place to go to meet sharks, while Atnam is famous for its canyon covered with giant gorgonians.

Dives at Iranja, Mitsio and Radama

Sud Canyon est, par exemple, un site incontournable pour observer toutes sortes de pélagiques dans leur habitat naturel. C’est également un lieu privilégié pour apercevoir des requins léopards.

Crocodile fish on an underwater boat wreck

Unique shipwrecks

The wrecks offer unique diving experiences, with an intense and varied fauna, ranging from jacks to barracudas, stone fish and moray eels.

These elements make Nosy Be a top diving destination in the Indian Ocean, offering varied and memorable underwater experiences for all levels of divers.

Dives for every level

Our center offers different kind of dives suitable for all levels. Beginners can learn in calmer, shallow waters, while more advanced divers can venture into more technical dives, offering encounters with biodiversity and rarer marine species.

Dives for every level

Our center offers different kind of dives suitable for all levels. Beginners can learn in calmer, shallow waters, while more advanced divers can venture into more technical dives, offering encounters with biodiversity and rarer marine species.

Discover Ylang Dive Center

Our training pool is ideal for beginners or refreshers. Our fast boats, are perfect for experienced divers wishing to quickly discover the best dive sites of Nosy Be. Ylang Dive Center is there to satisfy the needs of every diver.

A team with expertise and passion!

Our team is composed only of passionate professionals, each bringing an assiduous knowledge of the local dive sites. They guarantee safe dives, in the best possible conditions, to explore the coral reefs and observe the emblematic marine species of the region safely.

Our team? Our pride and joy! Here they are:


Chief instructor

C’est à Nosy Be que Quentin décide de s’installer en 2017 après avoir arpenté plusieurs pays d’Afrique pendant quelques années. C’est là qu’il découvre la plongée sous-marine et décide d’y consacrer tout son temps et énergie. Instructeur depuis 2018, et avec des milliers de plongées à son actif, la baie de Nosy Be ainsi que ses archipels alentours n’ont plus de secrets pour lui. Sa maîtrise des sites, et sa connaissance de la faune et de la flore locale font de lui un instructeur et guide idéal pour découvrir les trésors sous-marins de la région.



Aaron is passionate about the marine world and scuba diving from his childhood on the sides of his small Var village. The Porc-Cros National Park becomes the playground of his first dives. The desire for adventures and discoveries make her explore the seabed of Southeast Asia. In 2000, he decided to devote himself to his passion and became a diving instructor in the Philippines. 5 years in Cambodia dedicated to teaching, with more than 500 trainings to his credit he becomes head of operations and learns the management of a diving club. It was in 2017 in Oman in Musandam that he took the position of manager of the Extra Divers Diving Club.


Dive Master

C’est en 2005 que Camille découvre la plongée. D’abord comme un loisir au cours de ses voyages, ce n’est qu’en 2016 que la passion prend le dessus et qu’elle devient Dive Master au Cambodge avant de reprendre la gestion d’un club de plongée à Oman. Avec plus de 1000 plongées à son actif, son envie de partager, son sens de la sécurité, elle saura vous faire découvrir les splendeurs des sites de Nosy Be dans des conditions optimums.

Why dive with Ylang Dive Center?

Our diving center in Nosy Be is above all a human experience, we want everyone putting their feet in our infrastructure to leave with a catalogue of souvenirs.



If you are looking for exclusive diving excursions on premium and less crowded sites, with a team concerned about your comfort and safety; a complete, modern and warm center, beautiful rooms with sea views… Then you’ve come to the right place!

We dedicate our time and energy for the pleasure of offering you the best possible experience, whether you come for a dive, an ice cream, a drink or simply to spend all your holidays with us.

Ylang Dive Center scuba diving equipment

Safety and equipment for your dive

All our instructors and divemasters are experienced, insured and PADI/SSI certified in active status. We provide all our divers with a Suunto Zoop dive computer. Nitrox is offered in our center for certified divers. Group of 4 divers maximum per instructor or divemaster. Our boats are all equipped with oxygen, first aid kit and life jackets. They both have a dual engine and have a GPS phone on board. Our captains have a valid sailing license and are accompanied by a sailor for effective surface supervision.


We are fully equipped Scubapro with equipment put into service in 2023. Full suits 3mm and 12L aluminum and 15L steel tanks.

Scuba diving training in the Indian Ocean

Unforgettable memories guaranteed

Simple initiation or an advanced underwater adventure, Ylang Dive Center is the ideal choice. Our commitment to offering exceptional service and memorable diving experiences, ensures that your stay in Nosy Be will be an unforgettable adventure.

Maison Ylang

For an all-in-one experience

Maison Ylang, the boutique hotel associated with Ylang Dive Center, offers a complete and harmonious experience for visitors to Nosy Be. With the dive centre located directly within the property, this boutique hotel allows you to experience an immersive adventure in the world of diving while enjoying the comfort and tranquility of quality accommodation.

Maison Ylang guests enjoy the unique advantage of being able to easily combine their diving sessions with moments of relaxation and rest in a warm and welcoming setting.

Authenticity and comfort

The boutique hotel, with its friendly atmosphere and authentic decor, is perfectly integrated into the natural landscape of Nosy Be, offering comfortable rooms with sea views. After a day exploring the seabed, divers can relax in their comfortable rooms and enjoy the boutique hotel’s facilities, such as the swimming pool or outdoor lounge.

La proximité immédiate avec Ylang Dive Center permet aux hôtes de maximiser leur temps sous l’eau sans se soucier des déplacements depuis leur boutique-hôtel !